Weekly WatersHack
12/1/20 - Holidaze, DJ, and Giving Thanks
5 Favorite Holiday Movies
1. National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation
2. Elf
3. Christmas Story
4. The Santa Claus
5. Die Hard (I like the yearly debate lol)
5 Favorite Xmas Gifts - Let me know yours in the comments
Mix Master Johnson- This DJ is more than just your average wedding MC. Dustin Johnson is on an incredible, and Tiger-era aside, unprecedented run of dominance. If he doesn’t get Happy Gilmored’ he’s going to win the tournament. What tournament? Any tournament he lankily strolls through. This looks more dominant then anything I have seen sans TW. Brooks has the major thing but is essentially a non-factor in most tournaments outside of the big 4. His game does not have all the levels that DJ’s has and Brooks feels more like a moment in time. DJ looks like he will be number 1 for many years to come. Good luck field...sling blade is slinging it like nobody else right now. He only needs to keep the #1 ranking until 2031 to take over Tiger’s run...
Local 5 and 4: So the Watershack needs a little annual maintenance and Garrity said I had to hire union guys, so its going to take a bit longer with the shutdown. I’ll be open back up first of the year to serve more takes and take more of your orders but before that……
2020 Vision - 2020 was a tough year for so all of us, but especially those that are in the health care industry and retail. Not to mention the adjustments all must make with home schooling and isolation from family. It was a tough year and we at 5&4 appreciate all that you have done and hope everybody stays healthy and we can band together to get through this and make next year a better and safer one for us all.
Last and only sentimental note of the year...To my family: I want you to know how much I love and appreciate all of you. Even though I cringe at every credit card swipe for xmas, I am happy deep down to give the things that make you smile. I am a lucky man when I reflect on this tough year to have a such a great family and have so many things when others have so little. So I maybe grumpy and cantankerous and not good at showing you how I feel, but I love you all very much from my Way-to-Hot-For-Me wife Rachell; my pain in the ass sons Nathan and Dimitris; my Growing-Up-Way-to-Fast-For-Me daughters Grace and Evan (you see who are my favorites, at least I admit it) and my two lucky they are cute to cover up their smelliness dogs Rufus and Murray. You all mean the world to me and appreciate everything you do (Rachell, you kids don’t do shit...lazy bums lol.) All of the support for my crazy ideas and even when you (the kids) drive me insane (every second of every day) I wouldn’t change one of those seconds. I know I am a very lucky person. Anyways talk to everyone in the new year when I return to my more Dennis Leary like self. I do not want to hear any shit about my sentimental moment either looking at you Slope Golf Sosnowski!!
Happy Holidays Mutha Fucka!!!!!!!!!
Rachell, the hellspawn, and my ugly mug - Thanks for everything